Carson City
Code Enforcement Division
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I file a complaint?
How many unlicensed vehicles may a resident have on site?
What are the regulations for parking RV's in a residential neighborhood?
How do I make a complaint about excessive noise?
What are the regulations for fences?
How do I file a complaint?
The Code Enforcement Division responds to written compaints. Click here to download a Code Enforcement Filing a Complaint (Form). Once completed, return the form to the address or email the form to
How many unlicensed vehicles may a resident have on site?
A resident may have up to two unregistered vehicles in public view, provided the vehicles are not wrecked or in disrepair.
What are the regulations for parking RV's in a residential neighborhood?
The regulations regarding parking RV's are found in CCMC 8.10. The applicable code sections for parking RV's on public streets and on private property are noted below. For complete code requirements and definitions, go to the Carson City Municipal Code and refer to Section 8.10.
8.10.050 - Recreational Vehicle Parking on Public Streets
A recreational vehicle may be parked on a city street subject to the following restrictions:
1. Recreational vehicles may not be parked or stored on city streets in any zoning district, except for loading or unloading purposes.
2. Loading or unloading for the purposes of this section means: the presence of a recreational vehicle will be permitted on city streets in any zoning district for a period up to seventy-two (72) consecutive hours in one occurrence.
3. Not more than two (2) occurrences of loading or unloading within a thirty (30) day time period will be allowed. The two (2) occurrences in a thirty (30) day time period must not be consecutive to each other.
4. For the purposes of loading or unloading, a recreational vehicle may not be parked on a city street without the permission of the lawful occupant of the property abutting the street where the recreational vehicle is parked. No part of a parked recreational vehicle may extend past that portion of the street which abuts the property for which permission has been given. No wires, hoses or other conduits may cross sidewalks, public walkways, public right-of-way or the property of another.
8.10.060 - Recreational Vehicle Parking on Private Property
A recreational vehicle may be parked on private property subject to the following restrictions:
1. Only the property owner's personal recreational vehicle(s) can be parked on his private property.
2. Recreational vehicles may only be parked on a hard surface, front driveway in a residential zone. Recreational vehicles may be parked in side or rear yards in residential zones which may or may not be on hard surfaces.
3. In residential zones, when recreational vehicles are parked in driveways or side yards adjacent to the front setback, which are within ten feet (10') of an adjacent neighbor's driveway, recreational vehicles must be set back from the back edge of the curb a minimum of eight feet (8'). In cul-de-sacs, the driveway distances shall be reduced to six feet (6') of an adjacent neighbor's driveway, and the setback shall be reduced to four feet (4').
How do I make a complaint about excessive noise?
Carson City does not have a noise ordinance, per se. Excessive noise is regulated by the Sheriff's Department under "disturbing the peace" laws. Call the Sheriff's Dispatch Center at 887-2012 to file a noise complaint.
What are the regulations for fences?
Click here to download the fence regulations handout. Contact the Planning Division if you have questions regarding fences.