District 5, Winnie Lane Reconstruction Project
Update September 18, 2024:
Construction on Winnie Lane has been completed.
Winnie Lane Reconstruction Project Documents
Carson City Public Works (CCPW), and the Transportation Division, are planning to reconstruct Winnie Lane between North Carson Street and Mountain Street. Located in Performance District 5, the project includes the full depth removal and replacement of the asphalt pavement along with required compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to replace failing concrete sidewalk, and non-ADA compliant curb ramps and driveways.
Winnie Lane has a pavement condition index (PCI) of ‘Very Poor’ to ‘Serious’ as measured by recent pavement surveys. Design was recently completed in October 2023. The project cost is $1,420,000.
In March 2024, the RTC awarded the project to Sierra Nevada Construction. They contractor has set a tentative construction start date of June 3, 2024. Construction is anticipated to continue through August. During construction, residents in the area should expect minor delays and periodic lane and road closures. Parking along Winnie Lane will also be restricted. It is the City’s goal to keep full road closures to a minimum, but there may be short periods of time that full closures may take place. Access to driveways may also be affected at times during construction. Stay tuned for more construction updates!
To see excerpts of the plans, please see the link above. If you have additional questions about the project and potential impacts to your property, please contact Brian Elder or Chris Martinovich at the contact information provided.
Brian Elder, PE Chris Martinovich, PE
Project Manager Transportation Manager
775-283-7586 775-283-7367
belder@images-collector.com cmartinovich@images-collector.com